From October 1st 2011 starts the second phase of the FIT4SMEs Project. It is the further step of a 24-months programme developed by Informest and co-financed by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region (Italy) and the Central European Initiative (CEI) through its Know-How Exchange Programme (KEP). The objective is to strengthen skills and improve capacities of participating business support organisations (BSOs) from non-EU CEI member states in the field of financial instruments made available by international financial institutions (IFIs) to small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), in order to provide technical assistance to a pilot group of selected SMEs in each recipient country to facilitate their access to international financial schemes for investments.
This phase due to last for sixth months till March 2012 foresees a training programme on financial instruments provided by IFIs for the participating BSOs for supporting SMEs. The aim of the training programme is to transfer knowledge and improve their capacity in providing comprehensive and qualitative assistance to their local SMEs in the field of access to a selected financial facilities. In the occasion, the database constituted during the first part of the Project will be reopened to ensure the registration of other BSOs with the aim to enrich the business support organisation’s spectrum involved for each recipient country.
For the Project activities fulfilment Informest will be locally supported by three BSO partners (serbian Chamber of Commerce of Belgrade, albanian TEULEDA and the ukraine Association of Economic Development of Ivano-Frankivsk) for the implementation and organisation of each of the training that will be held in these countries.
As a result of the training and promotion activities, the participating BSOs supported by Informest will list 2-3 SMEs per involved country. These SMEs will be the target group of a pilot action that will be developed in further steps of the programme and will mainly consist in the provision of technical assistance to access to finance.
Second phase of the FIT4SMEs Project
The project aims to raise awareness and facilitate access to financial instruments made available by International Financial Institutions (IFIs) to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) though a training addressed to the staff of selected BSOs located in the 9 non EU CEI Member states, in order to strengthen their internal capacities and knowledge on instruments […]