The main objective of the project was to give assistance to the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Directorate for International Relations and Local Government Autonomies in the fields of territorial cooperation and EU structural funds, in order to enhance the Region FVG staff in the elaboration of the Operative Programmes. In particular the assistance provided concerned:
Informest activities were aimed also to spread up within the target groups the knowledge of the Structural Funds regulation 2007-2013, objective and instruments, trough the organisation of seminars, events, conferences and training courses.
Analysis of the priorities of the Public Administration related to each Operative Programme.
Definition of the strategies to use within the Structural funds 2007-2013.
Establishment of an experts task force.
Participation in transnational working group together with the Autonomous Region officers.
Elaboration of documents to discuss during the working tables on operative programmes.
Study and in depth examination of first draft regulations in order to provide the necessary support to the definition of regional policies within the transnational and interregional Programmes of Objective 3.
Organisation of national and international meetings in order to discuss strategies for territorial cooperation.
Organisation and management of: information days, training course, events in order to inform the selected target groups/participants about the opportunities offered by the Objective 3.
Organisation and management of a public seminar in order to inform the public about the Territorial cooperation objectives and opportunities.
Start date: 01/07/2006
End date: 31/12/2007
Role: Lead Partner