Training for Trade Bulgaria

Project objectives:

  • The implementation of initiatives that will favour riconversion and development of the manufacturing and industrial sectors through targeted actions on several sectors of interest for the local industry and for eventual co-operation with Italian enterprises;
  • Development of trade relationship and creation of opportuntities between Bulgarian and Italian small and medium-sized enterprises in the most perspective sectors of the economic and trade relations between Bulgaria and Italy;
  • Training and capacity building of 80 Bulgarian entrepreneurs;
  • One-to-one tutoring of entrepreneurs and realization of 80 business plans;
  • Meetings, development of contacts and trade opportunities between 80 Bulgarian and 30 Italian companies.

Project activities:

  • Project promotion in Italy and in Bulgaria, collection of participation forms coming from Bulgarian companies;
  • Selection of suitable Bulgarian companies that will be included in the training activity;
  • Implementation of the training activity through workshops;
  • Evaluation of business plans prepared by the participants during the training;
  • One-to-one tutoring of the Bulgarian entrepreneurs;
  • Promotion of business opportunities between Bulgaria and Italy and organization of meetings and seminars between Italian and Bulgarian enterprises.

Type of service

Technical Assistance.


Organization of workshops and meetings.

Evaluation of business plans.

Organization of promotional events and seminars for enterprises.

Project Management.

General information

Start date: 01/02/2005
End date: 28/02/2006

Role: Lead Partner

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