Development of the Tourist Interchange between Italy and Uzbekistan

Project objectives:

  • To promote tourism interchange between Italy and Uzbekistan;
  • To help increasing incomes into the country;
  • To favour the development of eco-tourism in Uzbekistan in order to exploit natural resources without damaging the environment;
  • To give Italian tour operators a range of possible tourism offers to be spread.

Project activities:

  • Survey of all kinds of tourist resources available in Uzbekistan;
  • Mission of Italian experts to map tourism state of the art in Uzbekistan, in particular by interviewing local tour operators, universities and other research and development institutions dealing with tourism issues. The research aimed at inspecting the country’s tourism infrastructure, the transport system and the current situation of foreign investment in tourism infrastructure;
  • Creation of a marketing plan to foster sustainable tourism in Uzbekistan;
  • Organisation and management of public events to disseminate results in Italy and Uzbekistan;
  • Creation of a website for the promotion of tourism in Uzbekistan containing all necessary information and documentation on the country’s tourist attractions, basic information and other useful links.

Type of service

Project preparation, planning, budgeting and transnational implementation.

Monitoring activity during the whole implementation of the project.

Coordination of activities.

Overall responsibility for project management.

General information

Start date: 01/04/2004
End date: 31/05/2005

Role: Lead Partner

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