Project objectives:
The overall project objective is the establishment and implementation of an effective and coordinated SETA framework, promoting and fostering the institutional cooperation between PEC structures and member states in order to reach the EU’s objectives of (i) transparency and information reliability; (ii) develop of an harmonised and efficient institutional framework and (iii) rapid implementation of the transport priority projects. This overall objective could be reached by the implementation of a specific WP1 in compliance with EU recommendations (in particular HLG Report, 2005-2007, EC Comprehensive Monitoring Reports and COM (2008) 125 final). PECs have similar problems above all regarding administration and exchange of information. SEETAC will enable this exchange, in coordination with EC SFC 2007-Electronic Data Exchange project, the identification of common problems and solutions in order to attain the common mobility (good, capitals and people) standards for the whole EU territory.
Project activities:
Expected results:
These results could be easily transferred to other EU Transport Axis, in particular to Central Axis, where another coincidence of CE Programme eligible area exists.
Project Web site creation and updating.
News, Information, external and internal communication, brochure, leaflets, folder, promotional materials.
Start date: 01/04/2009
End date: 30/09/2012
Role: Lead Partner