Slovenia Opportunity II: Economic animation in support of cross-border cooperation among small and medium enterprises

Project objectives:

Due to the great potentialities offered by the relationships between the SMEs of the two border areas, the project aimed at improve the relations between the two entrepreneurial systems, through different activities involving the institutional and economic players from both the territories. In particular, the project aimed at increase knowledge, competitiveness and innovation at the local level fostering institutional and economic cooperation.

Project activities:

  • Economic animation and creation of institutional networks;
  • Activities to strengthen cross-border cooperation between SMEs;
  • Activities to support technological cooperation between SMEs in the cross-border area.

Expected results:

  • Economic animation and creation of institutional networks to last after the conclusion of the project;
  • Enhanced economic cooperation between SMEs;
  • Information activities and support to the internationalisation process and technological development of enterprises, increasing their awareness and orientation towards innovation and the opportunities to set up new enterprises with benefits for the employment in the area;
  • Further integration and harmonisation of the two areas, considering their potential economic-productive sector characterised by the presence of a considerable number of SMEs that can be positively affected by joint and complementary activities.

Type of service

Participation to the Working Group.

Development of the preliminary activities of focusing on the intervention sectors between the entrepreneur associations and local actors.

Actions to support trans-border technological collaboration.

Implementation of the  project website.

Organization of partnership events.

Promotion of a network for innovation and exchange of technologies.

General information

Start date: 01/07/2006
End date: 30/09/2007

Role: Lead Partner

Project logo


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