Management Tools, effective Relations for new Interregional Organisation aimed at Strengthening the Cooperation among Adria-Alp-Pannonia Regions

Project objectives:

The project aimed at contributing to the setting up of a new governance instrument in the territory of the Alpe-Adria-Pannonia, through the management of the new cross-border, transnational and interregional programmes established at the European level.

Project activities:

  • Analysis of statistical and qualitative data about the socio-economic situation of the area;
  • Identification of a common strategy and shared policy goals for the setting up of a formal cooperation framework;
  • Setting up and coordination of four thematic working tables (Transport Infrastructure and Location Development, Spatial Planning and Development; Socio-Economic development and co-operation; Co-operation among urban centres and municipalities)
  • Dissemination of results.

In particular, Informest has been charged by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region of the organization of the First Political Conference, held in Trieste on 24 January 2007, with the participation of the highest institutional representatives of the target countries, the technical experts and the project partners. Informest was also responsible for the organization of the meetings between the representatives and experts of the partners involved, as well as for the preparation of the analysis and the technical documents required for the project implementation.

Expected results:

  • Improved understanding of the present situation and future trends in key areas for spatial development;
  • Proposal of an institutional structure for cooperation at political and administrative levels
  • Clear definition of the relations with the Alps Adriatic Community and EUROREGIOs (established or planned)
  • Setting up of networks at the administrative and experts level
  • Joint strategies in key areas influencing spatial development
  • Pipe-line of projects to be elaborated jointly

Type of service

Coordination and management of the project activities and partnership.

Project monitoring, evaluation and reporting.

General information

Start date: 01/06/2006
End date: 31/12/2007

Role: Lead Partner

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