Carta Europea delle PMI

Implementation of the "European Charter for Small Enterprises" in Croatia

Project objectives:

  • Promotion and diffusion of the European Charter for small-sized enterprises among stakeholders, entrepreneurs, public administration at County level;
  • Implementation of the Charter principles by the local administration in 3 beneficiary Counties through the innovation of policies in support of SME development;
  • Spread of the importance of SMEs for the local socio-economic development;
  • Generation of innovative projects also on the basis of public-privat partnership;
  • Support to Croatian regional authorities in the process of innovating their policies for the local development.

Project activities:

  • Project management, co-ordination and monitoring;
  • Definition of a communication strategy about the principles and the purposes of the Charter;
  • Technical assistance in the activity of verifying existing Croatian legislation with the principles of the Charter;
  • Presentation of the relation between the principles of the Charter and the acquis communautaire relevant to SMEs with the organisation of workshops and seminars;
  • Formulation of innovative proposals for the policies relevant to SMEs;
  • Creation of partnerships between private and public bodies for the generation of innovative projects in support of SME development;
  • Realisation of study seminars and exchange of best practices between Croatian and Italian entrepreneurs and civil servants on the relationship between SMEs and public administration.

Type of service

Project preparation, planning, budgeting and transnational implementation.

Technical assistance in the activity of comparing Croatian legislation with the principles of the Charter.

Organisation of workshops and seminars.

Organisation of qualified training for the beneficiaries.

Organisation of study tours.

Monitoring activity during the whole implementation of the project.

Coordination of activities.

Overall responsibility for project management.

General information

Start date: 01/01/2005
End date: 31/12/2005

Role: Lead Partner

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