Business opportunities through Networking and Communication about Enlargement

Project objectives:

  • Assisting the SMEs to operate and to cope with the enlarged internal market;
  • Building interactive information – communication process between SMEs and their intermediates;
  • Strengthening the sustainable expert network to assist SMEs in the process of growing into the enlarged market;
  • Promoting the cooperation between companies in different sectors;
  • Promoting the synergies between SME organizations and strengthening the networks between intermediaries.

Project activities:

  • Cooperative events, seminars, conferences;
  • Preparatory training for the consultants;
  • Vocational training in the enlarged Europe;
  • Creation of the country/sector information tables (CSIT);
  • Creation of the website.

Type of service

Seminar training for trainers.

Formulation of a vademecum on business cooperation.

Formulation of country/sector fiches.

Organization of events and seminars for participants.

Coaching for Italian company.


General information

Start date: 01/01/2005
End date: 31/12/2006

Role: Partner

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