Through the sea and the mountains

Project objectives:

AMAMO aimes at enhancing economic growth generated from rural tourism by making more of endogenous resources of the territory in maritime and mountainous rural areas and the increasing capacity for operational programming of local actors.

AMAMO’s specific objectives are:

  • To strengthen and diversify entrepreneurial activity in the primary sector and its chain of transformation and commercialisation;
  • To safeguard and promote existing natural and cultural heritage, also with measures of rehabilitation and social management;
  • To establish a transnational network in order to guarantee to partners and relevant final beneficiaries a permanent access to the innovation of their governance techniques;
  • To promote productive cooperation among NUTS III and NUTS IV territories of the IARs and of EAC Counties.

Project activities:

  • Establishment of the Transnational Secretariat, project management and networking of the implementing units;
  • Definition of selection criteria for the experiences of integrated operative programming (IOP) and of rural tourism projects implemented in such frame;
  • Definition of benchmarks for the validation of good practices;
  • Editing of a catalogue containing 20 experiences of integrated operative programming (IOP) and implemented projects of similar approach in the partner realms;
  • Hospitality of one relevant officer from each EAC partner by a IAR partner organization for a two-week internship for deepening of IOP techniques;
  • Strategies and methods for the design of Operational Programmes and project generation with local impact;
  • Local SWOT analysis of the results achieved with experiences of integrated operative programming (IOP) and rural tourism projects implemented in this frame for overcoming of weaknesses and making more of success factors;
  • Short term detachment of IAR experts at the premises of each 5 EAC partners for the implementation of IOP methodologies;
  • Local activity of partners for overcoming IOP weaknesses and/or starting of new programming / new projects generation;
  • IAR experts, relevant to the enhancement of endogenous resources pivotal in the Croatian single territorial areas, will implement short term cross-border missions;
  • Relevant Croatian officers and selected entrepreneurs will participate to study visits in IAR realms;
  • IAR experts, skilled in the institution building of PPP bodies, will implement 10 short term cross-border missions in the Croatian single territorial areas;
  • Cross-border demonstrative pilot actions in the frame of the new rural tourism strategy.

Expected results:

  • Public actors experience new working forms allowing them to acquire new competencies and new co-operative relationships, letting them mutually integrate in a permanent co-operation logic;
  • Private actors will have the opportunity to experience new forms of organisation and co-ordination with public subjects (PPP) and to promote their products and services;
  • Long term: Institutional beneficiaries will have experienced new and more structured working forms (strategic planning, implementation, execution and evaluation of results) turning out to be substantially important for the new community planning in the period 2007-2013 (in Italy) and in view of adhesion and related funds (in Croatia);
  • Companies will take advantage of a wider, articulated and permanent network of relations throughout the Adriatic and therefore of a stronger capability of access and management of the related markets, even through the establishment of strategic alliances.

Type of service

Coordination of the partnership and project activities.

Implementation of the Transnational Secretariat, project management and networking of the implementing units.

Analysis, assessment and modelling of good practices on integrated operational programming of rural tourism.

Coordination and predisposition of strategies and methods for the design of Operational Programmes and project generation with local impact.

Cross-border demonstrative pilot actions in the frame of the new rural tourism strategy.

Design and realisation of the project website; dissemination of information resources and project results.

General information

Start date: 01/03/2007
End date: 30/06/2008

Role: Lead Partner

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