Advanced Development of macroRegional Infrastructures and Services for Transport and Accessibility of Residents, Tourists and EnteRprises

To consolidate green, reliable, resilient, smart and integrated transport systems by developing and modernize existing multimodal physical infrastructure and services
To create a veritable policy learning Platform , capable of sharing and transferring the developed knowledge in joint projects addressing an integrated system of resilient, safe, sustainable ports/interports and airports
To start a Joint Integrated Transport Infosystem
To carry on pilot investments and feasibility study for accessible and green airports, ports and interports in order to develop common standards for the upgrading of environmental compliance, resilience and accessibility of transport infrastructures
Project activities
Creation of an interactive open library of main results of previous projects as a joint common ground to share methodological approach and existing resources.
Preparation of a Common Action Plan, and a Permanent Policy Learning Platform to put in place and finalize the results of the four pilot actions that will be put in place in Jesi (Interport), Mostar (airport), Ortona and Monfalcone (ports and interports)
Creation of an open database of emerging best practices for a Common Knowledge Basis and a Joint toolkit preliminary to the creation of the AGIRE Platform
Meetings and activitities with local stakeholders groups; exchange visits open to additional partners and territories to study AGIRE standards for transport facilities and policies; studies and analysis of regional innovation strategies that can address innovation related to sustainable transport infrastructures and services for the Adriatic Ionian Area
Upgrade of accessibility and greening of multimodal transports in the area and digitalisation of communication and of available accessible transport facilities
Shared excellence standards for transport facilities and services, disseminated good practices, consolidated partnerships among logistics and public transport operators .
Consolidated Network of Adriatic Ionian Innovators in Transport
Improved accessibility for Adriatic- Ionian Region, enhanced economic potential of tourism and increased critical mass across the Region of “year-round” accessible destinations,
New and innovative business and logistics models for connecting in-land tourism and the cruise sector

Type of service

Supporting all the activities related to coordination and management, dissemination and raising awareness. Contribution to the realisation of a feasibility study, guidelines preparation and common models implementation

General information

Start date: 01/04/2016
End date: 31/12/2016

Role: Partner

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