Local development and acquis communautaire in the Balkans municipalities

Project Objectives

ACQUIS 3 project is aimed at the following specific objectives:

1. Implementation of an institutional workshop representing the result of the technical assistance path to local administrations for the definition of their Statute, in a EU harmonization logic;

2. Implementation of a service of accompaniment and technical assistance to the FVG authorities and SMEs in the individuated areas (Kragujevac, Bar), by the valorisation of the presence and role of local partners;

3. Reinforcement of the FVG info-point of Kragujevac (Serbia) with the aim of valorising the cooperation activities started by INFORMEST and IAL FVG, so as to seize the emerging opportunities for the socio-economic system of FVG region;

4. Setting up of a stable presence in Bar (Montenegro) so as to valorise the presence of FVG region started with the previous project. Focus will be on the building and hotel works sector and plant, included domotics, water depuration and waste management.

5. Activation and realization of seminars targeted to the interested subjects of the two areas so as to train up persons capable of assuring a follow up to the transfer of information, competences and opportunities, useful for the promotion, planning and implementation of local development, cooperation and economic exchange initiatives.

6. Drafting of project proposals for local development in both countries.  

Type of service

Support and participation in the project events through the transfer of information, competences and opportunities useful for the promotion, planning and implementation of local development, cooperation and economic exchange projects.

Availability of the CASA FVG in Montenegro with the objective of facilitating contacts and institutional relationships in Montenegro.

Promotion and diffusion of information on the investment opportunities in the Balkans.

General information

Start date: 01/06/2011
End date: 31/10/2013

Role: Partner

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