21 February 2024
On Tuesday, February 20, the final event of the TAMSALL project took place at the European Committee of the Regions in Brussels.
The event, which brought together stakeholders from European institutions, representatives of the Ministry of Local Development and Foreign Affairs, mayors of the involved Libyan municipalities, as well as partners and experts who worked on the TAMSALL project, concluded this important project dedicated to improving governance practices for territorial development.
Representing Informest, a project partner, President Davide Lepori spoke at the event. He not only illustrated the path that led Informest to participate in the project but also emphasized that the recently completed pilot actions in Libya were inspired by study visits conducted in the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region last year. The collaboration with Isontina Ambiente, Protezione Civile FVG, and APE Agenzia per l’energia del Friuli Venezia Giulia enabled the training of representatives from the involved municipalities in creating a new waste management policy, establishing emergency management units, and implementing urban observatories.
The project, which began in January 2021, is co-financed by the European Commission with funds from the European Neighbourhood Instrument and is implemented by ART-ER, the in-house company of the Emilia-Romagna Region dedicated to attractiveness, research, and territorial development, together with a partnership composed of Informest (Agency for Development and International Economic Cooperation of Friuli Venezia Giulia) and EURADA (European Association of Development Agencies).
The objective of the TAMSALL project, which involves twenty Libyan municipalities, is to strengthen the institutional and administrative capacity of Libyan national and local public institutions. It aims to promote efficiency and skills in planning and implementing administrative functions through a multi-level governance process, with particular attention to environmental, socio-health services, services dedicated to youth, or aimed at improving communication between local administration and citizens. Additionally, it seeks to strengthen collaborations between Libyan municipalities and their European counterparts. The municipalities that participated in the project were those already involved in the Nicosia initiative (Tripoli, Zintan, Ghariyan, Tobruk, Benghazi, Sabha, Sirte, Zliten) along with El Marj, Batan Al Jabal, Bent Baya, Derna, Ajdabya, Ghat, Jadu, Kufra, Nalut, Wadi Etba.
The TAMSALL project concludes with the final event in Brussels
TAMSALL overall objective is to strengthen the institutional and administrative capacity of Libyan National and Local Public Institutions, to foster the public administration efficiency and competencies in planning and implementing public administrative functions according to a multilevel governance process. This implies the reinforcement of MoLG and Presidency Council capacity in the coordination, consultation and planning/programming […]