The Study Visit will be held on Sunday 29th November 2020 from 2.30 to 4 p.m, organized in the frame of OPEN FACTORY event, the most important opening of industrial and manufacturing culture in Italy, which will take place online.
The program includes a session dedicated only to the project partners and their stakeholders, with the aim to let you have the opportunities to discover four testimonies of different approaches to the theme of cooperation enterprise-culture, able to offer interesting scenarios and perspectives for listeners.
After this panel, it has been scheduled a plenary session, open to the public, for the conclusion with the participation of Antonio Calabrò, director Fondazione Pirelli, deputy chairman Assolombarda, chairman Museimpresa.
Here available to participate.
The online Study Visit will be on ZOOM platform.
After the registration, you will receive an e-mail with the confirmation of your registration. Few hours before the event, you will receive an e-mail with the link in order to let you participate at the online Study Visit.
Culture and business: online study visit of the CROSSINNO project
The companies located in the Alpine area often find obstacles to launching innovation processes that could be adequate, sustainable and that enhance the specificity of the environment in which they are established. Their location represents at the same time a wealth and a limit and requires approaches capable of overcoming physical and technological barriers. The […]