9 May 2016
Thursday May 5th was held in Sarajevo the Fifth Steering Committee of the Twinning Project “Further strengthening of capacities of phytosanitary sector in the fields of plant protection products, plant health and seeds and seedlings, including phytosanitary laboratories and phytosanitary inspections”.
Participants of the event were representatives of the Italian Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policy, Lead Partner of the project, and local representatives of the main beneficiary institutions. Project Leader Bruno Faraglia, general manager of Central Phytosanitary Service, Plant Production sector of Ministry of Agricultural Policy, informed the participants that preparatory work for the new Regulation on fertilizing under European coordination have been started and Beneficiary Country Project Leader Snezana Akulovic, confirmed that the new Regulation on Plants Protection will be ratified by the Parliament within this year.
Resident Twinning Advisor Eligio Malusà described the activities carried out so far on the fifth quarter of the project. More specifically he mentioned the co-organization of a round table on the subject of European standards for seeds certifications, held during the Fifth International Symposium on Agricultural Science (AgroRes) in Banja Luka last March, and the writing of the Handbook on Control Procedure for phytosanitary inspector. With these achieved activities, and also with other ones on-going, within next months it is expected to reach many documents, both legal and about technical procedures, that will help the beneficiary institutions to have an update legislation on phytosanitary sector.
Moreover, training activities on the employment of these procedures will be carried out in the near future, including two study visit in Italy focusing on seed certification and management of phytosanitary risks. In addition it was reached the agreement for the organization of a Conference to talk about future strategic development of the phytosanitary sector in BiH and in which will participate all the high level institutions, both private and public, of BiH, Italy and Poland.
Next Steering Committee is scheduled for next July in Banja Luka.
New results achieved by Twinning EU-FITO-BIH addressed to phytosanitary field in Bosnia Erzegovina
The main goal of the project is the development of a sustainable phytosanitary sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and its gradual alignment with the acquis institutional and regulatory requirements and standards. More in detail, the project wishes to enable phytosanitary services to create and implement BIH plant health regime, seed and propagating material policy, plant […]