Support to the set-up of a tri-lateral Police Cooperation Centre among Montenegro, Albania and Kosovo

2 May 2016

The “Balkan route”, as bridge between the East and the West, is still one of the favourite highways for the profitable illegal deals managed by the international organised crime, despite enormous efforts spent by Police Forces and Judiciaries bodies and taking into account the number of good and concrete results achieved in the fight against organised crime. Therefore it is essential to enhance cross-border cooperation, developing a real time exchange of information system, to ensure effective cooperation and coordination between Judiciary and Police authorities.

In that contest – as part of the macro-regional strategy for combating trans-national criminal organisations in the Balkans, promoted and funded by the European Union – the Multibeneficiary EU Project IPA 2013 Western Balkans “Fight against organised crime: International Cooperation in Criminal Justice ”, in cooperation and coordination with Eulex/Kosovo*, planned and held from 25 to 29 April 2016, a study visit for Police Officers from Montenegro, Albania and Kosovo* to a comparable tri-lateral Police Cooperation Centre (Austria, Italy, Slovenia) located in Tarvisio-Thorl Maglern to support the establishment of the upcoming tri-lateral Police Cooperation Centre in Plav (Montenegro) among Montenegro, Albania and Kosovo.

The Joint Centre in Plav will represent an added value for Montenegro and Albania especially for their EU accession process, and for Kosovo* in its road map for Visa liberalization – and will be a modern tool for an efficient and effective trans-border cooperation, exchanging and sharing information and standards in a common legal framework.

The key task of the trilateral Joint Centre in Plav will be promoting the recognizing main issues related to the Integrated Border Management concept:

a)     The effective exchange on information;

b)     The proper application of risk analysis;

c)     To enhance joint crossborder cooperation.


During the study visit, the participants had benefit from ad hoc-trainings, provided by EU experts. They were given exposure to the everyday operations carried out at a Joint Centre, to the EU best practices and standard operational procedures, as well as to theoretical explanations and practical exercises, in line with the new concept based on the “training on the job”.

Since the Police Officers took part at the study visit in Tarvisio/Thorl Maglern, will become trainers for their colleagues that will be deployed at the Joint Centre in Plav.

The main activities of the study visit were filmed and recorded in an interactive DVD and will be used as a training tool for “cascade training” and awareness campaign in the Western Balkans.

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Support to the set-up of a tri-lateral Police Cooperation Centre   among Montenegro, Albania and Kosovo

Support to the set-up of a tri-lateral Police Cooperation Centre among Montenegro, Albania and Kosovo

IPA Balcani

IPA Balcani

The project aims at preventing and combacting trans-border organised crime and linked corruption cases with cross border implications, and at dismantling criminal organisations involved in illicit trafficking destined to the EU. In particular, specific objective is to improve international law enforcement strategic ad operational cooperation among Beneficiaries as well as between Beneficiaries, EU Member States […]

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