5 June 2015
On 9th and 10th June EA SEA-WAY partners will meet in Pula to discuss the state of the art of project activities and the organization of open days and regional events of to present to public the investments and the pilot actions that will involve the Adriatic ports participating to the project.
During the Cross Fertilization Workshop it will discussed the role of common projects and initiatives in the development of sustainable passenger transport models within the Adriatic – Ionian area and the possibilities of project funding in the framework of cross-border and transnational cooperation programmes within the EU Programming period 2014 – 2020. It will be presented past, ongoing and future planned projects and initiatives on projects: AdriaticMos (Adriatic Motorways of the Sea),ADRIAIR (Airport Security and Air Taxi Network in the Adriatic) and a Project for the Construction of the passenger terminal in the Port of Pula (cape Guc).
Then partners and associates of the 8 Countries involved in the project (Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and Greece) will participate to the second Cross Border Board meeting together with relevant stakeholders and technical experts selected by the partnership with the aim to define a sustainable strategy for passenger transport in the Adriatic. In the occasion will be define first hypothesis of bilateral and transnational agreements on the themes of new maritime lines, info-mobility, passenger services.
In the past months partners organized local working groups to select contents and priorities to define a sustainable strategy for passenger mobility in the Adriatic basin, objective of CBB, that represents a governance tool to support the Adriatic Ionian Macro Region.
Then partners and associates of the 8 Countries involved in the project (Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and Greece) will participate to the second Cross Border Board meeting together with relevant stakeholders and technical experts selected by the partnership with the aim to define a sustainable strategy for passenger transport in the Adriatic. In the occasion will be define first hypothesis of bilateral and transnational agreements on the themes of new maritime lines, info-mobility, passenger services.
EA SEA-WAY project aims to develop integrated and sustainable transport services and to improve physical structures and connections between Adriatic ports and its hinterland.
The 28 months project has been approved by Cross Border Cooperation Programme IPA ADRIATIC CBC 2007-2013 with a budget of 6,6 Millions Euro is leaded by Central Directorate for infrastructure, mobility, spatial planning and public works and university.
Specific objective of regional participation is implementing international maritime services among Friuli Venezia Giulia, Slovenia and Croatia. As Italian partners together with Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and Informest, will participate also Levante and Ancona Port authorities, Marche, Abruzzo and Molise region, Ravenna Province and Sistemi Territoriali Spa per la Regione Veneto.
Agenda of the meeting attached
EA SEA-WAY meeting in Pula: Cross Fertilization Workshop and Cross Border Board
Objectives: Main objective of EA SEA-WAY is to improve the accessibility and the mobility of passengers across the Adriatic area and its hinterland, through the development of new sustainable and integrated transport services and the improvement of physical infrastructures related to those new services. In particular, specific project objectives are to: 1. integrate and upgrade […]