The “Guida alle PMI del Montenegro” has been put online. The study, presented at an event organised by the Chamber of Commerce of Trieste on May 11, is the output of the Axis II – Internationalisation – Development of economic relations between Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and Montenegro of the ADRIA 3 Project – Strenghtening and development of the cooperation with Eastern Adriatic countries. The document is freely downloadable from the project site after the registration.
The “Guida alle PMI del Montenegro” is now online
The main objective of the project is the transfer of experiences and good practices to the stakeholders in the three recipient countries. The intervention axis are: AXIS I: Preservation of biodiversity between Friuli Venezia Giulia and Istria; AXIS II: Internationalization – development of economics relations between Friuli Venezia Giulia and Montenegro: strengthening and development of […]