18 March 2010
A meeting among the representatives of Informest, Area Science Park and the Centre for Molecular Biology, signed the start of the project “Innoweek”, the week of Innovation, Science and Technology, a project financed by the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia and coordinated by Informest, whose aim is to represent in a serie of events and meetings in Vojvodina’s main city, the Friuli Venezia Giulia ‘s regional system of scientific research, innovation and technological development.
The general objective of the project is to favor and consolidate the cooperation between the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia and the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina in a number of key sectors of the technological development already identified, establishing permanent relations among scientific institutions and local actors of the territorial development, promoting common projects and intensifying bilateral exchange programmes.
The Protocol Agreement in force between the Region FVG and the Province of Vojvodina since April 17th, 2003, updated on January 30th, 2009, with the signatures of the two Presidents Renzo Tondo and Bojan Pajtic, contains a working map to enhance the cooperation between the two regions. In particular, strengthening the so-called ‘Regional Innovation System’ (i.e. the cluster of research centers, academy, local institutions and innovative enterprises in the region) has been identified as a priority in the partnership building process, considered the excellence of the ‘Friuli Venezia Giulia model’ at European level and the receptiveness of the innovation network in Vojvodina.
The ‘Innovation Week’ that is going to be organized in Novi Sad by Informest and the two project partners by mid-September, will allow some of the actors of the Friuli Venezia Giulia innovation system to present themselves to potential partners in Vojvodina and activate a knowledge exchange path capable of rising a long-term strategic partnership between the two geographical areas.
It is foreseen the creation of several bilateral Working Tables that will gather research centers, enterprises and institutions to debate around the following priorities:
Kick-off meeting of the project “Innoweek” – The Week of Innovation, Science and Technology in Novi Sad