Overall Objective of the Project:
To maintain, explore and promote the material and immaterial heritage of extraordinary historical significance of WW1 as a shared heritage of the programme area within the main brand of the special destination of the Peace Trail between the Alps and the Adriatic. To encourage the integration, updating and development of a new sustainable and culturally oriented tourist offer, based on engaging presentations of the WW1 heritage and thematic routes.
Project summary:
The peculiarity of the programme area is the presence of WW1 heritage, of extraordinary historical significance, sometimes poorly preserved, with untapped potential for tourism development. The project will contribute to transforming the current situation through shared cross-border activities aimed at the long-term conservation of WW1 heritage and increasing its use in view of the development of sustainable cultural tourism. Studies, exhibitions, cultural and commemorative events will be carried out to strengthen the general knowledge and awareness of WW1 heritage. Targeted training and networking activities for tour operators, organisations and other stakeholders will be carried out to encourage the development of the new tourism offer. To strengthen the joint promotion and marketing of WW1 heritage, a main Peace Trail brand with marketing guidelines, a website and other dissemination material will be introduced. New thematic routes, info-points and centres with interactive and innovative heritage presentations will be updated and organised. Small scale investments will be aimed at preserving WW1’s extraordinarily valuable heritage.
Main results:
Main results of the project will be: studies on the cross-border heritage of WW1 and presentation of the selected results; training and networking aimed at promoting the tourist enhancement of WW1 heritage, for tourism service providers, organisations and other stakeholders; new exhibitions on the heritage of WW1, thematic cultural and commemorative events and conferences; the new main brand of the Peace Trail between the Alps and the Adriatic, with the “brandbook” and the joint marketing guidelines of WW1 heritage; management guidelines for the Bovec-Trieste route; initiatives for the development of new tourist services and offers; common website of the Peace Trail and material for the promotion of WW1 heritage; thematic routes and information points renewed, reorganised and signposted; updated and new information centres with state-of-the-art ICT and multimedia presentations of WW1 heritage; restructuring of monuments, museums and other structures related to the heritage of extraordinary significance of WW1 in the programme area. With cross-border cooperation, we will have achieved these results: (1) preserved the extraordinary heritage of WW1, (2) prepared an engaging interpretation and presentation of WW1 heritage, (3) significantly improved the visibility and promotion of the shared heritage within the cross-border destination and the Peace Trail brand; (5) encouraged the strengthening and development of the cross-border tourism offer within the Peace Trail as a whole. This will increase the level of cross-border cohesion in the field of sustainable WW1 heritage assessment and (b) the number of visitors expected in the whole programme area, directly contributing to the programme result indicator of specific objective 3.1, as well as performance indicators PN 6C (C009 and 3.1.1).
Type of service
Technical support to the partner Regional authority for cultural heritage of the Autonomous region of Friuli Venezia Giulia
WP1 – Att. 1 and 2: Support for general coordination of activities and support for administrative-financial reporting
WP2 – Com1 promotional activity of the “Artists and the Great War” conference on media and social media and inaugural event in the Garden of the Borgo Castello Museum Complex aimed at promoting the usability of the spaces to the external public with web promotion; preparation of a newsletter, Com2 support for the definition of the communication strategy of the project, Com9 creation of informative and promotional material
WP3 – 3.1 – Att9 support for the organization of conference entitled “Artists and the Great War”, with the preparation and printing of a post-conference essay which will also be available in online format
WP4 – Att19 support for extraordinary maintenance activities in the relevant and green areas of the Museums of Borgo Castello