Training at national and regional levels for enhancing the absorption capacity for the managed Operational Programmes (EuropeAid/14201/D/SER/RO)

Project objectives:

To improve the overall absorption capacities at national and regional levels, thus ensuring a correct utilization of ERDF, European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument, Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance, and ESF.

Project activities:

  • To reinforce the skills of final beneficiaries in preparing good project proposals that correctly match the priorities of the National Development Plan and would lead to a proper project pipeline for financing from the Structural Funds’ type of intervention;
  • To strengthen the capacity of the Training Units within MEI and RDAs to efficiently coordinate and manage the training delivered both at national and regional levels, within the framework of the Human Resources development policy;
  • To strengthen the capacity of ROP Final Beneficiaries in terms of Organizational structure, partnership etc., as well as regards critical issues to be observed in the process of application to SF financing opportunities.

Expected results:

  • Enhancing the preparation, information, management, control, evaluation and other tasks of the Managing Authorities established within the Ministry of European Integration for the Regional Operational Programme and European Territorial Cooperation Operational Programmes, and of their respective Intermediate Bodies;
  • Strengthening the capacity of potential beneficiaries to develop and implement operations to be financed under the above-mentioned Operational Programmes.

Type of service

Organisation of the training.

General information

Start date: 01/06/2008
End date: 31/12/2009

Role: Lead Partner

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