Perspectives on inter-regional transport unitary system: Development of integrated logistic system between the main Central and Northern Adriatic ports

The aim of the PORTUS Project was to define a common development strategy for improving competitiveness of the Adriatic maritime system, developing the connections between the main regional ports and the Trans-European Network of Transport (TEN-T). The direct target groups included ministries, regional administrations, municipal institutions, port authorities, which cooperated in the implementation of the priority scenarios identified for improving the transport and logistics of the Adriatic maritime system. The main activities of the Project included:

  • fostering dialogue and cooperation for the definition of a common Adriatic policy involving transport network planning, infrastructure investments and spatial development;
  • identifying and setting in motion the actions necessary to improve port competitiveness;
  • defining a Road Map for the realisation of the selected priority development scenarios;
  • developing an institutional framework for future cooperation on cross-border and interregional policy issues, necessary for an efficient and competitive Adriatic maritime system.

The long-term aims of PORTUS were: promoting the competitiveness of the Adriatic maritime transport system and improving the access to new global markets. This was accomplished through the development of a truly intermodal maritime transport sector. From a socio-economic point of view, PORTUS regarded the prospective of developing the intermodal transport network, as a trigger of regional vitality. Furthermore, the transport systems advocated by PORTUS will have beneficial effects for the environment due to the strong focus placed on low-impact modes, such as sea and inland water-way transport.

Type of service

Data and information collecting.

Co-operation in WP5 – Development of Road Map.

General information

Start date: 01/10/2007
End date: 30/06/2008

Role: Partner

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