Friuli Venezia Giulia and Vojvodina together in Europe

Project objectives:

The project general objective was to give institutional and structural continuity to the results achieved by the implementation of ISSER Project – Socio-economic regional development initiatives – and to strengthen bilateral relations between the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia and the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina.

The project had also the following specific objectives:

  • To promote an integrated approach of the Friuli Venezia Giulia intervention in Vojvodina;
  • To strengthen the project design of new bilateral projects among institutions, agencies and companies of both Regions;
  • To strengthen investment promotion and economic co-operation between companies from Friuli Venezia Giulia and Vojvodina by monitoring the last phase of the privatization process and the opportunities erasing from work and supply tenders in Serbia.

Project activities:

The implemented actions concerned the following areas:

  • Start-up and functioning of the permanent Cooperation and Liaison Office in Novi Sad;
  • Organisation of two seminars aimed at illustrating legal, technical and financial aspects related to ongoing and future bilateral projects and aimed at generating new project initiatives between subjects of both Regions;
  • Organisation of meetings to put in contact potential partners;
  • Assistance to the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia, other Regional bodies interested in the project, the Chambers of Commerce, entrepreneurial associations, companies consortia and other public, private and mixed bodies and companies in accessing investment opportunities in Vojvodina and support economic collaboration between both Regions;
  • Design, implementation and updating of the Vojvodina Database (VD);
  • Set up of a project web site with access to VD within the Informest portal The website has been updated with quarterly reports about Vojvodina (Focus on Vojvodina) and with a monthly Newsletter published by Informest on the Internet.

Expected results:

  • Organisation of seminars, meetings; assistance to companies and institutions that aim to start up and develop co-operation with Vojvodina;
  • Three partnership events between companies, promoted by public authorities or by other Vojvodina’s development actors;
  • Vojvodina Data Base design and updating.

Type of service

Co-ordination of the project activities and partnership.

Promotion and dissemination of information concerning  investment opportunities in Vojvodina among Friuli Venezia Giulia companies.

Support to FVG companies, public and private organisations and institutions in the setting up of institutional and commercial relations with Vojvodina counterparts.

Creation of the Vojvodina Data Base.

Creation of the project website within the Informest portal.

Project monitoring, evaluation and reporting.

General information

Start date: 01/01/2007
End date: 31/12/2007

Role: Lead Partner

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