Italian-Serbian Economic Opportunities

The Project aimed at supporting the transformation and economic development of FRY – Republic of Serbia, fostering co-operation between Italian and local companies. This objective was pursued by means of: 

  • Technical Assistance to the Ministry of International Economic Relations of the Republic of Serbia for the identification in Belgrade and Novi Sad areas of local SMEs belonging to the following sectors: agro-industrial, wood, building and mechanics. This assistance was focused on industrial reorganization and consequent relaunching of local SMEs through a rapid acquisition of technical and economic standards from the point of view of international integration;
  • Theoretical and practical training of 20 managers coming from Serbian SMEs in Italian companies, suitable for the transfer of technical and economic know-how;
  • Drawing up of a feasibility study to establish a Service Centre for the support to Serbian SMEs and Italian enterprises willing to co-operate with local SMEs.

These objectives have been met through the implementation of the project activities as follows. Phase 1: Start-up and “Qualitative analysis of the economic and territorial structure of SMEs in the areas of Belgrade and Novi Sad”. Phase 2: Dissemination of the available opportunities for cooperation with Serbian counterparts. Phase 3: Selection of candidates from the Republic of Serbia and their training. Phase 4: Follow up for the development of the cooperation. Phase 5: Feasibility Study.

Type of service

Project design, organization and management.

Identification of Serbian and Italian enterprises interested in economic cooperation.

Organization of publicity events and conferences.

Preparation of the syllabus and organisation of the training activities in Italy.

Organisation and logistics of the internship within the Italian enterprises.

Follow-up for Serbian and Italian enterprises.

Drawing-up and on-line publication of the feasibility study concerning the implementation of the Service Centre in Belgrade.

IT Services.

Project Management.

General information

Start date: 01/01/2002
End date: 31/12/2003

Role: Lead Partner

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