Explaining transition to enlargement

The project aimed to evaluate social and economic consequences of the enlargement on EU bordering regions, in the specific case on the territory of the Italian bordering region Friuli Venezia Giulia. The analysis was multisectorial in his general approach. The first part of the study addressed the impact of the enlargement on some specific sectors (industry, agriculture, crafts, tourism, trade) while the second part focused on the consequences on the labour market in different sectors (customs, transport) as well as on migrations flows and cross border workers. One part of the study aimed to determinate the impact in terms of changes in eligibility to the European Structural Funds, in particular Objective 1 and 2 Funds in the bordering territories of Friuli Venezia Giulia and Slovenia.

Type of service

Project design for the relevant part, organization and management.

Data collecting and data base setting for the economic and labour market impact evaluation.

Project implementation (analysis).

General information

Start date: 01/10/2002
End date: 31/10/2003

Role: Partner

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