Decentralized Co-operation Programme “Croatia / Sub-danubian Area”

Decentralized Co-operation Programme "Croatia / Sub-danubian Area"

Programme objectives:

  • Institutional building in support of local authorities in Eastern Slavonia in order to strengthen interethnic relations in the region;
  • Implementation of activities in support of economic and social growth in the beneficiary region;
  • Enhancement of the value of human resources;
  • Revitalization of the local economic system and its development trying to utilize the best Italian and regional entrepreneurial practice;
  • Creation of suitable conditions for the return of refugees;
  • Protection of vulnerable groups of the population with particular emphasis on mothers and children.

Programme Activities:

  • Analysis of the needs and selection of assistance and consultancy services that are required by the potential clientele, both Croatian and Italian;
  • Seminars and workshops on Italian experience in dealing with major economic problems;
  • Transferring know-how, experiences and methodologies on the establishment and the growth of SMEs from the Italian experience, national and regional;
  • The training directed to local organizations;
  • Visiting of Croatian entrepreneurs to companies in the Region FVG;
  • Creation of the website.

Type of service

Programme management and administration.

Programme accounting.

Organization of workshops and seminars.

Creation of the Technical and Operative Unit in Osijek with the Office in Vukovar.

Direct implementation of project activities in the sector of SME development.

Organisation of seminars and study tours for the beneficiaries.

General information

Start date: 01/10/2001
End date: 30/06/2005

Role: Ente Attuatore

Project logo

Decentralized Co-operation Programme “Croatia / Sub-danubian Area”

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