Decentralization and Institution building in Central and South Eastern countries

The Project was aimed at carrying a study on the features of the local autonomies in the New Member Countries of Central Eastern Europe as in the countries of South-Eastern Europe (candidates or not). The analysis focused on the presentation of a general framework of the process of regionalization in the region, with special reference to topics as deconcentration, delegation and devolution of powers. For each considered country was predisposed a specific report, comprehensive of the legal framework in force and the perspectives of its implementation, a political comment on the process of regionalization pursued, a description of the sub-national structures and bodies close to the regional level, the procedures of local elections, a record of powers (legislative, executive) and of the competences detained. Eventually, the study containes a list of the principal contacts and addresses in loco. A final chapter of the study foresaw a mapping of existing assemblies with legislative power in the considered area related to the deconcentration/delegation/devolution taxonomy.

Type of service

Project design, organization and management.

Data collecting and data base setting of the national and local legal frameworks.

Project realization, editing.

General information

Start date: 01/05/2006
End date: 30/09/2006

Role: Ente Attuatore

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