The project aims to transfer the knowledge accumulated over several decades in the region to initiate an action for the protection and enhancement of environmental resources in the municipality of Zavidovici and the Brcko District (Bosnia and Herzegovina) through improved management of municipal solid waste.Following an initial collaboration with


The CLASS 4.0 project (approved under the capitalization tender of the Interreg Italy – Croatia 2014 – 2022 Program – Priority Axis “Blue Innovation”), aims to improve the framework conditions for cross-border innovation by maximizing and enhancing the experiences and results obtained from the implementation of projects previously financed


Project tackles one of the main challenges of the region: valorising and preserving the rich and varied cultural heritage and taking advantage of it in a sustainable way to support economic development. Also, it aims to overcome the negative impact of pandemic; the latter proved tourism to be an

Twinning MK 19 IPA AG 01 21

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to protection of human, animal and plant health, and the environment, as well as to increase the competitiveness and sustainability of domestic production of plants and plant products, which have been regulated by the phytosanitary part of Chapter 12 of