Trieste, 23rd February Second Local Working Group with regional stakeholders of transport sector

20 February 2015

It will be held in Trieste Monday 23rd February the second Local Working Group with regional stakeholders on Terminal passenger services and Infomobility topics

The meeting will be hosted by Central Directorate for infrastructure, mobility, spatial planning and public works of Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region, lead partner of EA SEA WAY project and attended by representatives of Mobility department of Province and Municipality of Trieste, Turismo FVG (regional tourist office), Trieste Port Authority, Friuli Venezia Giulia Airport, Trieste Terminal Passeggeri, Railways Udine Cividale, Trieste Trasporti.

Local multi-disciplinary actors expert in different fields related to human mobility that already have been invited to the previous Local Working Group by Informest, partner of the project and leader of WP5 package and involved again in the debate, conducted with the support of a technical expert.

During the meeting the group will start to elaborate solutions to the arisen needs and individuate possible interventions considering the emerged topics and identified priorities. Such solutions will contribute to the up-level Transnational Working Group activities foreseen in March in Albania. The contents will be considered for the realisation of the regional Road Maps and Action Plans the Local Working Gropus will have to draft during next summer.

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Trieste, 23rd  February Second Local Working Group with regional stakeholders of transport sector

Trieste, 23rd February Second Local Working Group with regional stakeholders of transport sector



Objectives: Main objective of EA SEA-WAY is to improve the accessibility and the mobility of passengers across the Adriatic area and its hinterland, through the development of new sustainable and integrated transport services and the improvement of physical infrastructures related to those new services. In particular, specific project objectives are to: 1. integrate and upgrade […]

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