On Saturday, June 28th was launched the fast sea-line that links Trieste to Slovenia and Croatia. The hydrofoil connects daily during the summer the Istrian ports, of Piran Rovinj and Pula (the latter on Saturday and Sunday), departing from Pier IV in the Trieste port.
The line, operated by the TriesteLines, is co-funded by the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia within the European project EA SEA-WAY under the IPA Adriatic Programme 2007-2013 and the WP6 activities that foresee the realisation of pilot actions. The project aims to improve the accessibility and mobility of passengers across the Adriatic area and its hinterland through the development of new cross-border sustainable and integrated transport services and the development of physical infrastructure related to these new services.
Launched new hydrofoil line from trieste to Istria
Objectives: Main objective of EA SEA-WAY is to improve the accessibility and the mobility of passengers across the Adriatic area and its hinterland, through the development of new sustainable and integrated transport services and the improvement of physical infrastructures related to those new services. In particular, specific project objectives are to: 1. integrate and upgrade […]