New media and the frontiers of the regulation of the audiovisual

9 July 2013

After the successful initiative organized on the last 8th of February in Trieste, Informest, in collaboration with the Authority for the Guarantee of the Communications, will organize the conference “New media and the frontiers of the regulation of the audiovisual”.
The event will be held on the 12th of July in Rome, at Agcom premise, in the frame of the project SEE Digi.TV.

The project is co-funded by the Transnational Cooperation Programme South East Europe and will end on the 31st of July 2013 after a fruitful collaboration of more than two and a half year within a partnership composed by 14 partners from 10 countries belonging to the South-East Europe area. The event will deepen some important topics regarding the digital television and its services, that were also discussed during the conference in Trieste. In particular, the workshop in Rome will focus on some regulation issues, that the authorities will have to handle in the future in order to face the new frontiers of the television.

The event will be attended by representatives of Informest, Agcom, the national Corecom and representatives of the Digi.TV partnership, that will have the opportunity to discuss some important topics with exponents of the audiovisual sector and promote and disseminate the project and its results.

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New media and the frontiers of the regulation of the audiovisual

New media and the frontiers of the regulation of the audiovisual



SEE Digi.TV aims to speed-up the digitalization of the broadcasting services,including the largest number of stakeholders, especially broadcasters and industry. On a long term, the project aims to solve issues of digital divide and social inclusion and thus will contribute to the creation of the region of equal opportunities. The overall objective of the SEE […]

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