Twinning with the Ministry of environment and spatial planning of Kosovo: project start

7 October 2011

Negotiations between the French-Italian partnership and the Liason Office of the European Commission about the Twinning Project “Institutional Support to the Ministry of Environment and Spacial Planning (MESP)” are finally coming to an end. The Twinning Contract signature, which will mark the beginning of project activities with Informest engaged as mandated body of the LP (ARPAV), is foreseen for the end of October. It is a project of high strategic value aimed at conforming legislative and environmental standards of Kosovo to those of European Member states. This will be done thanks to the support of specialized European agencies that will offer their experience in environmental themes, water and waste management and territorial planning.

Main project objective is to improve the state of the environment in Kosovo including water, waste and management of urban settlements to provide better health and living conditions for the citizens of Kosovo. With a budget of 2.000.000 ?, the Twinning Project foresees for each of its fundamental components (management of urban settlements, water and waste management) a first stage of analysis and monitoring of the state-of-the-art and a second one to support MESP in the realization of strategies and of secondary legislation. Also it plans training activities as for example study visits, seminars and workshops.

The 24 months project has been promoted by an Italian-French partnership, with Italy as Lead Member State and ARPAV (Regional Agency for Environmental Prevention and Protection of Veneto) as unique responsible in front of the European Commission. As mandated body of ARPAV Informest will be responsible of the Technical Secretariat, Financial administration and logistical organization of all Italian short and medium term experts missions.

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