Moldovan delegation in Friuli Venezia Giulia for BioEnergy

19 October 2010

Within the project BioEnergy, from 4th to 7th October last was held the Mission of the Republic of Moldova in Friuli Venezia Giulia. The Moldovan delegation, composed by representatives of national and local institutions and of scientific and academic areas, has had meetings with Regional Authorities and the Presidency of the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Udine. The Moldovan delegation has also carried out a Study Tour at some farms already using electricity from renewable sources for self-consumption, during which was submitted their application of the technologies used.

Within the project BioEnergy (A bio-energetic viaduct between Friuli Venezia Giulia and the Republic of Moldova) funded by the Law 19/2000, from 4 to 7 October was held the mission of the Republic of Moldova in Friuli Venezia Giulia referred to Action 3 of the project having as its objective the strengthening of partnership between Italy and Moldova. The Moldovan delegation constituted by representatives from national institutions (Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the R. of Moldova) and territorial (Municipality of Balti, Riscani District), as well as representatives of some actors from research and university (Faculty of Agriculture and Faculty of Economics in Balti, Research Centre Selectia, Euro Small Business Association) has had official meetings with Regional Authorities and, in particular, with the Directions of International and EU Relations and of Agriculture, forestry and natural resources, and with the  chairman of the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Udine.

The Moldovan delegation has carried out a Study Tour at some farms in the FVG region who are already using electricity from renewable sources (solar, biomass) for self-consumption, during which was submitted their application of the technologies used. During the last day, was made a visit to Cerealdocks in  Camisano Vicentino (VI), a plant specialized in treatment and storage of grains and oilseeds and used in food processing, and transformation of waste into biodiesel.

BioEnergy The project will conclude in November with a final conference to be held in the Moldovan city of Balti.


Project Objectives: The project aimed at enhancing the diversification of the agrofood industry in Moldova through the adoption of agro-energetic cultivations which are more environmentally sustainable and allow for the self-production of energy. In particular, the project aimed at fostering trade between the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia and the Republic of Moldova, enhancing […]

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